On “Small Steps”

This week I did a scary thing - I hit the publish button on my website.

There’s a time where I would have shared it and quickly moved on to the next step. There’s a time where I wouldn’t have shared it at all until it was just right. Because I’ve spent the last several years laser focused on the next step and the ideal. So much so that I had been trying to outrun a state of burnout that if I had actually slowed down and paid attention I would have accepted already consumed me. Like down for the count, stop the train I need to get off, anxiety attacks in the bathroom at work, you need to rearrange your life consumed me.

And honestly, I’m still learning how to do this work and maintain my wellbeing. I am learning to celebrate the small steps - or dismantle the notion of small steps all together.

Perhaps there is no such thing as a small step because every step in the direction of the bigger vision is meaningful. Even the missteps.

If you’re reading this it means you made it to today. Every meal, drink of water, conversation, nap, movement and breath in some way got you to today. Those are not small steps. Some days the celebration is that you willed yourself out of bed in the midst of a global pandemic and some days the celebration is that you hit publish on your website. Today I am doing both. What step can you celebrate for yourself today?


On Rushing